July 20, 2009

Mia vs. the Potty

We are in the middle of potty-training Mia and she is doing really well! However, he last 2 days she has had some interesting encounters with pee....
Yesterday afternoon I took her outside. It was a beautiful afternoon and while we walked around outside, the neighbor came out with his dog. He just got a puppy from Wayside Waifs that is 9 months old. He is a LOT bigger than Mia, but so sweet and attention loving. Mia trotted over to the fence for a little meet and greet. They sniffed each other through the fence saying hello in a nose-to-nose kind of way. Little Mia's tail wouldn't stop wagging and she just wanted to go to the other side of the fence so she could run and play! ....and then it happened....the neighbors dog took a step back and then turned and peed on Mia through the fence! Poor little thing jumped out of the way but still got it in her face and down her entire chest! Our neighbor was mortified but I just couldn't stop laughing! I told him that he was just marking his territory and would hopefully grow out of it! Then Mia came inside and got a bath.

Then there was today... I'm not sure how to take it...
Today was the first day at work that Spencer had to open, so he left the house the same time I did (8am) that means that this is the first day Mia will be home by herself all afternoon! We put her in the bathroom with her kennel (door open) and some toys to play with. Today I went home for lunch. I let her out and then decided I needed to go to the bathroom myself. While I was sitting there I looked down, and there was water all over the top of her kennel....and then I realized it's not water at all! The little squirt climbed on top of her kennel and peed on it! My only thought it that maybe she was thinking she would pee up there and then it would be out of her way so she wouldn't have to walk on it.... I don't know.... she just makes me laugh sooo hard sometimes!


Alisa said...

What a cute pup! Our mini schnauzer is 13 yrs., quite the old lady.

Saw Harry Potter and loved it. It was really long (which is a good thing!) and even though there were some changes from the book, I still loved it!

Now I wait for the new Twilight movie, New Moon!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

awww cutets puppy EVER.

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

She is so so cute!!!