January 14, 2010

My dogs are models!

They're going to be famous!

Right now, as I sit here typing this...my girls are getting photographed for Hallmark! :) If they do a good job then the photos will be used for greeting card, or anything else they would like to put their cute little faces on!
To prepare, Spencer and I gave them both baths last night so they smelled nice and pretty, and then we blow-dried Mia so her hair was nice and soft. Betty we didn't have to...she's kind of like a penguin and the water just beads off. :)
After they were done they were both really worked up and excited! So they had some bear-fight time on the bed....
We don't need tv with entertainment like this.....

....and this next one is my favorite! Betty is no holds barred when it comes to wrestling!!!

Yeah, they are paying for their kibble now! :)


Whitney said...

Oh my gosh! How did they get to do this?!??!?! So fun for y'all...and them! They are too cute!

KatiePerk said...

You realize this makes you a stage mother? AWESOME. What a neat opportunity!

Unknown said...

They are so damn cute!!!! I could eat them up.

Annie said...

how awesome!!!
i bet you are one proud momma!! too cute!! :)

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

oo cute.

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness, can i say that i am sooo jealous of you and your dogs right now??? If anyone were to want to photograph my dogs they would have a heck of a time doing it. They don't sit still at all. Congrats on your dogs new career as models!!

thegirlhassparke said...

Oh how fun! Were they noticed by a talent scout on a walk in the local park? Hope they make it on too lots of cards.

Kristen said...

Your dogs are so over-the-top flippin' adorable!! You know how much I love them... and I love that you compared Betty to a penguin. Ha ha ha!!!
If they show up on a card, I will so buy a million of them!!

Unknown said...

OMG, how exciting, how did they get to do that??!! You must be so proud :)

And love the Eva Mendes shot below - in fact, I had to double-check it was her, she has great boobs.....where are they??!! Ridiculous!


bananas. said...

AWWW that is so AWESOME!!! you must be so proud. i should get my boys into modeling too.


Belen said...

cute!!!!! my sister recently gave our Charlie girl a bath under really nice and warm water (it was a cold morning) and she was falling asleep because it felt so good! LOL

Belen said...

ps i saw the date your getting married.. 23 is my lucky number and i'm happy you're getting married on that date! :D

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How exciting is that?? They are awfully good looking. I'd buy the card. : )

kimbirdy said...

How did you arrange a photo shoot?! That's awesome, and good luck!