1. The bathroom. We have finally re-painted our bathroom! We originally painted it a pretty burnt orange color and didn't realize that our tiles had a checkerboard subtle pattern to them. once the paint was on the walls it brought out the color in the tile and made every other tile look peach!!! We bought a new color clled "Samover Silver" over the weekend and Spencer surprised me yesterday by starting our bathroom! It looks sooo lovely and I can't wait to show everyone! This is the color.....

2. The upcoming 3 day weekend! I am dying to have a nice 3-day break from work and I plan to clean, paint and put together furniture all weekend! hmmm maybe i'll get the new Eisley CD to listen to while I work!
3. Ikea! I know i've said it before, but the furniture should arrive FOR SURE tommorow afternoon! I can't wait to place all of my clothes in, fold things, iron and place all of my jewelry into the velvet lined dresser! EEK! I can't wait!!! I think i'm most excited for the new vanity. :) Something about getting ready in front of a vanity just makes me feel pretty. :)
4. Quality couch time I have been enjoying the nightly ritual at our house where we cuddle on the couch and watch Lost. We just started Season 4 and I love it!
5. Photography I took a long hiatus after finishing up school and starting my job. I just became so burned out and I love that after almost 2 years I am developing a strong love and passion for my camera. It makes me so happy to take photographs and see my work. :)
6. The Home Depot Spencer and I are going to go look at Storm doors tonight! I never thought I would be so excited about a door but I can't wait until i'm able to open the front door and still have the storm door to look out as the neighborhood kids ride their bikes and the season slowly changes in my neighborhood. (I think Mia will love being able to see outside too!)
I hope you guys have an awesome weekend! Can't wait to see pictures of your adventures!
yay! lots of fun things! Have a great long weekend!
I am DYING to paint our bedroom a grayish hue!
Best of luck with all your changes! Adorable blog :)
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