February 25, 2013

Week 1 bites the dust

I have officially gotten through week 1! And along with the end of week 1, I said goodbye to four whole pounds! I feel really good and I can already feel my clothes fitting better.

Last week was crazy, and we spent a LOT of time shoveling snow from the driveway and the back porch. Overall I believe we had about 12-14" on the ground, and it's not over! Tonight, into tomorrow afternoon the KC metro is going to be hit by ANOTHER 12" or so! I don't think I have seen this much snow since Spencer and I got engaged during the 2009 Christmas blizzard!

On the plus side, I may get to spend some more time at home with this cute little snow bunny!

Stay safe and warm everyone!

1 comment:

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

That is fantastic, congrats to you!!